We Made the StickerWall!!
Stickers have ALWAYS been a big part of my life. Ever since my Dad gave me a 747 Jumbo Jet sticker from his days working at Boeing; I was hooked. My collection has grown a lot over the years. I’d estimate it now contains over 1,500 different ones. Here’s a small sample:
Stickers are such an incredibly creative way to capture the essence of a brand, place or experience. That’s why we were so damn excited to work with diecutstickers.com to create our own! At this point, no flat surface is safe.
These are the original EvergreenTreez mountain life collection stickers. We’re stoked on how vibrant they are and the fact that they’ll withstand the elements for years to come. Although this first batch was incredibly limited and is almost completely gone already, we look forward to sharing many more of our unique experiences in the Treez through stickers and our other products. Our friends at diecutstickers.com were so pumped for us that they even gave us a spot on the Holy Sticker Wall. Needless to say; that meant everything. Here’s to Lyfe In The Treez and Moments like these —->